Magnificat Day of Faith

Dear Friends,

The graces that we shared together at the Magnificat Day of Faith are still fresh in our hearts and minds! I will never forget the faces of each one of the attendees at the end of this tremendous day, faces radiant with the “joy of believing.”

If you loved the Magnificat Day of Faith and would like similar events to be organized in other cities throughout the country, please consider making a donation to the Magnificat Foundation. In doing so, you will help many fellow Americans “rediscover the joy of believing.”  Please visit for more information.

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Pierre-Marie Dumont


The Day Before

The Day Before

Registration Begins

Registration Begins

Morning Prayer

Morning Prayer

Father Michael Morris, O.P.

Father Michael Morris, O.P.

Mrs. Clara Gaymard Lejeune

Mrs. Clara Gaymard Lejeune

Breaks and Lunch

Breaks and Lunch

Father Peter Cameron, O.P.

Father Peter Cameron, O.P.

Evening Prayer

Evening Prayer




